SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – EcoAid™, the Valley’s leading pioneers in Green business as Arizona’s sole sustainability and carbon offsetting company, is excited to announce the creation of the nation’s first and only Carbon Professional School based right here in Phoenix.

Climate change and Green industry practices are becoming critical factors in the US business economy, which requires the learning and understanding of new concepts. As Corporate America prepares itself for new, stricter carbon emissions regulations, and the American public begins to actively take a more vested interest in the effects of their lifestyle on their planet, the school’s creation became necessary.

EcoAid™ created the Carbon Professional School for individuals and organizations seriously interested in learning the ins and outs of Green practice and sustainability. A predominantly online training program, the school assists those starting a new career or expanding on a current one in becoming a certified Carbon Market Professional, ready for a variety of positions in the Green, sustainability market.

“Green industry and practice is growing tremendously, which is what beckoned us to create the school. There is a need for schooling for the individual to further educate them on the growth and changes forthcoming so that they can pass on that knowledge to others grow themselves,” said Dr. Skip Pollock, EcoAid™ Education Director.

Dr. Pollock is a licensed clinical and organizational psychologist and an experienced professor. She is also the trainer leading the Carbon Professional School, as well as EcoAid™’s Educational Director. She is responsible for the development, organization and management of training and development programs that incorporate the latest scientific research and business practices in this fast-growing field of Green Industry.

“Her expertise is immense! We’re lucky to have someone of her caliber leading our team and the school,” stated EcoAid™ Chief Operating Officer, George Gebran.

The education received at the Carbon Professional School is one of a kind. From the online training program to the in person organizational training, the Carbon Professional School does it all. It is an individualized program that students can work through at their own pace so as to not disrupt their current lifestyle.

There is a process. Whether you are an organization that is preparing for upcoming environmental legislation or an individual getting a head start for new jobs in the Green world, EcoAid™ can help. All individuals and groups served will learn a variety of training and education modalities that will all lead to certification and a brighter future in your new Green lifestyles.

For more information about the Carbon Professional School please visit For more information about EcoAid™, please visit

About EcoAid:

EcoAid is a Phoenix, AZ based company that promotes corporate and personal social responsibility by developing sustainability plans for companies that help them implement eco-friendly practices, run more efficiently and save money. EcoAid then shows these businesses how to save money and resources through ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ efforts and then become fully carbon neutral by offsetting their remaining carbon emissions through certified carbon offsets that support a wide range of environmental projects like clean energy, reforestation and gas capture. For more information visit, or visit their blog at


The Open, is committed to reducing the tournament’s environmental impacts and increasing the personal and public profile as an environmentally and socially aware event. The tournament’s carbon offset partner, EcoAid (, is committed to helping the Open become a fully carbon neutral golf event. EcoAid’s strategy encompasses four major areas: the quality of the vendors, the products going into the tournament, the use of the products/facilities, and the control of the waste. Through reducing, reusing and recycling, EcoAid, the Open and its vendors are committed to taking steps towards our part of a sustainable future.

The Grayhawk Golf Club, home of The Open, has taken many environmental strides to ensure that the course represents both their high quality standards and their commitment to sustainability. Some initiatives include: replacing all incandescent and halogen bulbs with CFLs and LEDs; changing to LED exit signs removing 50,000 watts; updating their clubhouse with a new HVAC system that increased efficiency more than 40%, by using non-ozone depleting refrigerants; and installing programmable thermostats to control the building’s temperature. In addition, Grayhawk has plans for a 30kW Solar installation to help power part of the facility.

Here are a few initiatives that participating companies are promoting in their own practices and also at the tournament. EcoAid ( it is important to combine sustainability initiatives without having to compromise the quality of the event.

Sustainability at the Open

– Collaboration with vendors who have a commitment to sustainability
– Control output of waste and increase recycling
– Support of environmental education for the public
– Minimization the use of transportation
– Offset of carbon emissions generated by the event

Being Carbon Neutral

EcoAid has made this event carbon neutral by offsetting the tournament’s carbon emissions not lessened though ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ efforts. This occurs by purchasing certified and verified carbon offsets that support domestic and international “clean air” environmental projects. The two offset projects supported by the Open are the Big River/Salmon Creek Project in California (Climate Action Reserve) and the India Renewable Energy – Windmill Project #1328 (Chicago Climate Exchange).

EcoAid has accessed the following areas to get the tournament’s carbon footprint, which is 337 MT of CO2e:

– The club house and tent facilities
– Vendor vehicle use and diesel trucks
– Consumption of food and preparation
– Player air, vehicle travel and accommodation
– Electricity and gas consumption
– Computer servers

Sustainability Partners

Many of the vendors at Open already have implemented measurable initiatives within their own companies to reduce their impact on the environment. Following are descriptions of some of the green initiatives that companies have taken at the office/on-site and/or at the tournament. The tournament has the privilege of using several vendors that are not only involved in sustainability initiatives at the Open, but are also global sustainability leaders.

Waste management is committed to recycling as much of the post-consumer tournament waste as possible. With the cooperation of patrons and their own skills, they will be able to recycle over half of the garbage from the tournament. Waste Management’s role ensures that the tournament waste will not contaminate the unique Sonora desert environment.

Waste Management is a recipient of the Climate Action Leader award, a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and is also committed to reducing their Carbon emissions by 6% by 2010. They have developed initiatives to lower their carbon footprint and, in addition, initiatives to capture landfill emissions and store carbon. Not only does capturing landfill emissions reduce our impact on climate change, but it provides opportunities to generate electricity from a renewable source. In addition, ProEm has partnered with Waste Management for the Open to help recycle waste, such as Astroturf.

Marriott Hotel, the official hotel of the players and other spectators at the Open tournament, has also taken numerous initiatives in becoming more sustainable. Their supply chain looks at green initiatives as well as encourages their guests to consider the environment through such measures as utilizing recycled materials in key cards and pillows. For resource consumption, the Marriott is also reducing its fuel and water consumption by 25 percent over the next 10 years; installing solar power; and expanding their “reduce, reuse, recycle” programs throughout their hotels. Due to its initiatives with low flow sinks, showerheads and fluorescent lighting, over 200 Marriott hotels have achieved many aspects of environmental design, including ENERGY STAR® labeling. Ten of these certified hotels are located in the Phoenix Metro area.

Cox Communications is creating a recycling program to turn waste into growth. By separating out the different waste streams as a new channel for profits, Cox Communications reinvests that money into work and education programs. They also are focused in several key areas including energy management, water management, greening their transportation fleet and controlling consumption. As members of both the Arizona Recycling Coalition and Arizona Businesses Advancing Sustainability, Cox Communications is currently a contender as the largest solar consumer in Arizona.

LG Electronics promotes recycling, environmental design and reducing the impact that electronics have on our environment. Through specialized programs, LG has recycled electronic waste (e-waste), such as old cell phones. Furthermore, LG looks to interactively reach consumers through education, Ecolabelling and motivation to recycle e-waste products.

Many of the vendors are local or utilize local resources, promoting sustainability and the nearby economy. Mobile Mini has focused on consolidating their trucking in order to cut fuel to deliver their product coming from local areas. United Parking Systems is in charge of the valet services and has come up with creative ways to promote sustainability at their company. Their valet tickets are printed on recycled paper and at the Open, their valet team carpools to the location. At the office they promote recycling and offer incentives for using alternative transport such as hybrid vehicles. T & B Equipment, another local Phoenix company, uses temporary seating and flooring. In addition, they separate out all of their waste, recycle and reuse wood products.

Rosendin Electric is committed to sustainability as a certified green business provider. Utilizing their LEED accredited professionals and in-house green team, they work with renewable energy and green practices.

At Outback Sports, the hospitality company, nearly all of their products are reusable and have minimal waste. For the tournament, they have mapped out routes and will store reusable materials until the next tournament in California to avoid unnecessary shipping. At the Open they have worked with local companies to utilize supplies in order to cut transportation emissions.

The Future

EcoAid and the Open hope this tournament will set future standards for public events. These events do not need to be wasteful or cause a large impact on the environment. This can be done if we as organizers, vendors and patrons are committed to doing our part in helping the environment.

To determine your carbon footprint, visit and for more tips and ideas on how to reduce your costs while creating a sustainable event or business model, visit

5 Ways to Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint While Saving Money

Going Green at work doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to build a new building out of used tires, or procure all new energy saving computer and office equipment. It is possible to work towards carbon neutrality without breaking the bank, and then supplement your efforts with cost-effective carbon credits.

The environmental cost of commerce has become an important part of business in America and the world as we all become increasingly aware and concerned about the impact of our actions on climate change and our environment. Many businesses are creating sustainability plans, training environmental impact officers and implementing company wide recycling and reduction programs.

For many small and medium sized businesses, the option of hiring a college degreed sustainability officer and staff is really not in the budget. There are however new online training programs which cater to small and medium sized businesses such as CarbonProfessionalSchool But short of taking a course and becoming an expert, what can your business do to be environmentally responsible and reduce your carbon footprint…all while saving money.

Here are 5 ways to reduce your carbon footprint and save some money.

(1) Recycle Toner and Ink Jet Cartridges. These things, which always run out at the most inopportune time, cost way too much and, contrary to what the big companies than manufacture them proclaim with their “send it in recycling programs” – end up in the landfill, usually in the poorest areas of the world. The technology and quality of recycled toner and ink jet cartridges in many cases surpasses the original equipment manufacturers…and you get to support a local business like yours when you patronize them. And don’t forget to set your printers to “draft” mode when you’re not printing for official communications…it’ll save you money and toner/ink.

(2) Use Less and Buy Recycled Paper. Back in the early 90’s when email was gaining popularity we all proclaimed that it was the beginning of the paperless office. But the paper companies weren’t scared. Paper sales went through the roof because now we had more information to print out, copy and share with each other. Now there are a variety of document sharing services, including free ones like Google Docs, while allow immediate sharing of and collaboration of documents without having to print out 5 copies for the group to mark up. It saves money, time and is much more efficient.

Furthermore, as the quality of recycled content paper has gone up to photo quality level and the cost has gone down to below the cost of “new” paper, it clearly makes no sense not to include the procurement of recycled printer and copier paper in your corporate sustainability plan.

(3) Go Paperless with your invoices. PayPal and Google Checkout both have electronic invoicing capabilities for those of you who process payments via credit card, and for many companies, their PayPal and Google Checkout accounts are tied directly to their corporate checking accounts for seemless, and transaction fee free payment processing. They both offer a variety of export formats and integrate with popular accounting packages like QuickBooks and Microsoft Accounting.

No more 3 copy carbon based invoices, no gas guzzling postmen delivering the mail and no more licking envelopes!

(4) Recycle Everything. Soda cans, newspapers, used equipment, furniture and materials (if you’re manufacturing things) all carry a price. Aluminum cans trade for around $.80 a pound (32 12 ounce cans = 1 pound) – so figure you can sell them to a local recycler for a bit better than half of that. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you have an office full of Red Bull crazed employees or “Diet Coke Fiends” it can actually add up relatively quickly.

List your used equipment on Craigslist or Google for a local company that will pick up and “recycle” your used equipment – or better yet, donate it to a local charity and take the tax deduction. Goodwill and the Salvation Army will send out a truck to pick up larger items and most likely make weekly or monthly trips through your area.

(5) Offset Your Carbon Footprint with Carbon Credits

While Reducing, Reusing and Recycling is key in preventing climate change, offsetting your carbon emissions is the next great step in the preservation of our environment for generations to come. The Carbon Calculator Math is below, or you could use a Carbon Footprint Calculator at

To offset your carbon emissions simply means to neutralize your part in the polluting of our environment. In technical terms, a carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions.

Certified Projects are developed such as a reforestation project that reduces carbon dioxide emissions, every ton of emissions reduced will result in the creation of one certified carbon offset (

Since carbon dioxide emissions are the principal cause of climate change, purchasing carbon offsets is key to promoting a greener environment.

When you offset your personal carbon emissions, you are doing your much-needed part in helping to put an end to global warming and climate change. In addition to making the world a better place, you just might also score a few popularity points with your friends and family.

Going Green at work doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to build a new building out of used tires, or procure all new energy saving computer and office equipment. It is possible to work towards carbon neutrality without breaking the bank, and then supplement your efforts with cost-effective carbon credits.

Author Profile

Dr. Ken Pollock is EcoAid’s Chief Executive Officer, sets the strategy, vision and direction for the company. Read more of his articles at In addition, he will be launching in the near future to provide the training and tools for individuals, businesses and institutions.

He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Ken is also a community activist. He is a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) as well as a mentor for children through the Arizona Quest for Kids Organization. In addition, Ken currently works as a volunteer with the Phoenix Police Department. When there is time for leisure, Ken enjoys photography, videography, and magic.

Going Green and Creating Green Power Projects with Carbon Offsets and Carbon Credits

As we all become more aware of our collective responsibility as stewards of our planet, capitalism has produced a verifiable mechanism for reducing carbon emissions, creating clean energy and engaging us all with the ability to minimize the damage we do to our environment.

Carbon Offsets are a simple way for all of us to create a better environment for ourselves, our kids and, the big one, our grandchildren. More selfishly, we all need clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. And especially those of us who live in Arizona, we don’t really want it to get any hotter on Summer Days!

Buying Carbon Offsets for Your Home Costs Less than a Day of Air Conditioning

While Reducing, Reusing and Recycling are key in preventing climate change, offsetting your carbon emissions is the next great step in the preservation of our environment for generations to come. The Carbon Calculator Math is below, or you could use a Carbon Footprint Calculator at ecoaidnow/Calculators

To offset your carbon emissions simply means to neutralize your part in the polluting of our environment. In technical terms, a carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions. What you are doing when you carbon offset is to use money to pay for your carbon footprint. That money, in turn goes to support carbon projects that reduce the amount of carbon in the air. It is a balancing act. These certified (meaning third-party verified) projects, such a reforestation, need financial backing to make them viable, so the carbon offset is a valuable investment.

Since carbon dioxide emissions are the principal cause of climate change, purchasing carbon offsets is key to promoting a greener environment. Every ton of emissions reduced will result in the creation of one certified carbon offset.

When you offset your personal carbon emissions, you are doing your much-needed part in helping to put an end to global warming and climate change. In addition to making the world a better place, you just might also score a few popularity points with your friends and family.

There is no question that we have a problem. The only question is how people will interpret and react to the problem. A number of people maintain that the world isn’t in a crisis. George Carlin speculated that the Earth just needed plastic, and now that it has it, the humans are no longer needed! That is certainly one perspective.

The Challenge is not so much Global Climate Change, but more of a personal one. Do we want to live in a clean world or a dirty one! Do we want to be subject to wars over fossil fuels? Are we, as individuals, stewards of business, operators of government, and elected officials, willing to take action to right the environmental wrongs we might create? The global becomes personal.

Buying Carbon Offsets is one way to deploy our resources towards a better Future. The best first step is to always think about the very real consequences of your actions. Protecting our air and water isn’t something that can be taken care of by someone else, we have to do it for ourselves.

To take an active role in neutralizing your carbon emissions today use our individual carbon calculator (

What’s My Carbon Footprint?

According to the UK Carbon Trust a carbon footprint is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product”.

Whenever you use energy created from fossil fuels such as oil or coal, you’re generating carbon emissions, which increases the level of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is created by day-to-day corporate and personal activities such as driving, flying, heating or cooling your home or business and using electrical appliances.

Even the products you purchase can contribute to your carbon footprint because of the energy that was required to create and transport them.There are many products available to help you reduce your carbon footprint, and in many cases reduce your costs, such as recycled products, efficient light bulbs, solar energy and more.

Determining your “carbon footprint” means to measure the amount of greenhouse gases that you are adding into the atmosphere. The term was coined from carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that is the main contributor to climate change.

When you offset your personal carbon emissions, you are doing your much-needed part in helping to put an end to global warming and climate change. In addition to making the world a better place, you just might also score a few popularity points with your friends and family.

You can offset your personal carbon emissions through a reputable firm like EcoAid or others who use those offsets to invest in green projects that create efficient energy such as wind power, solar power, farm power, plant trees, and more. Make sure the firm you purchase your carbon credits/offsets from is a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange or the European Climate Exchange, the only third party verified sources of carbon credits.

To take an active role in neutralizing your carbon emissions today use an individual carbon calculator to determine your carbon footprint. You might be surprised how much carbon we create every day, and hopefully learn a little about where you can make some positive changes.

We’re all concerned about the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environmental legacy we leave behind for our children and grandchildren. As we all become more aware of how our behavior affects the environment around us, it’s important to proactively engage in ways to reduce our individual, business and institutional carbon footprints.

Buying carbon credits, which result in the funding of “green projects”, making fewer trips to the store, running the dishwasher at night, supporting “green businesses”, teaching our children environmental responsibility and simply turning off the lights when we’re not in the room can all make a difference in the world in which we live.

Author Profile

Dr. Ken Pollock is EcoAid’s Chief Executive Officer, sets the strategy, vision and direction for the company. In addition, he will be launching Carbon School website in the near future to provide the training and tools for individuals, businesses and institutions.

He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Ken is also a community activist. He is a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) as well as a mentor for children through the Arizona Quest for Kids Organization. In addition, Ken currently works as a volunteer with the Phoenix Police Department. When there is time for leisure, Ken enjoys photography, videography, and magic.

1. Name: Dr. Ken Pollock
2. Category: Environment, Green Business, Eco Friendly
3. Keywords of website:
4. Address: 3985 E NAVIGATOR LANE PHOENIX, AZ 85050
5. Phone Number: 480-703-1263